Before Stars and Moons
Depart Painting sky reddish hue
Leaving behind foot prints of Death
Singing their victory and triumph
Close by the fire in the wintry night
Warming their frozen bones a bit
Or some where dancing and synchronising
Their body and movements under candle glow
Sudden gunfire flashing AK47
In bizzare cries and moans
All fell silent,they left
Making bizzare shout and noise
Next mornig sunrose over
hills and lakes over tombs and spires
Great is the mid sun encircling Cosmos
rainig scorching rays burning all sins
creating dancing clouds
Again to keep mother earth green
Smokes comes out of thached hurt
And hotel chimneys,hiding all
Agonies and cries.Who are they
And whom they Killed
Hindus Christian or Mussalmans