Monday, October 26, 2009


A ministory
His Majesty RajaShaeb!! is the way, People address him still today though he has no power nor money at present. He still lives in his dilapidated Palace.Mr B.S.Das is serving as SDO in the same town.Incourse of time, he got acquanted with Raja Saheb and came his qood friend .Occasionally Raja saheb invites him to his palace for drinking and discussing all subjects on earth.
Slowlly ,Mr.Das became his constant companion during morning walk.It was a wintry morning,fog restricting visbility to few yards.With warm clothes on ,both were enjoying wintry morning. Suddenly they saw a person with little cloth on his body, was trembling . Mr Das took no notice of him.He was dressed in wollen suit and walked away,where as ,Raja Sab talked to him and knowing his miseries offered his shawl to him.Now Mr. Das understood what is Kingly heart.