Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Family

My Family my strength, celebrating my birth day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Simpleton Mrs.Mishra a ministory

I joined the R&D Centre of SAIL (RDCIS), Ranchi after serving NIT, Rourkela for nearly 17 years. Before me, Dr. Mishra .from NIT had also joined RDCIS, SAIL. Naturally, we were delighted to see each other and soon became close friends. Fortunately I took up a residence opposite theirs in the South Office Para locality. My wife and Dr. Mishra's wife became bosom friends.

During office hours, when we are out to office, they visited each other's place and had unending talks for hours on end. It looked, there was no substance in their talk, because they often seemed go on talking without listening to each other. Mrs. Mishra is a very simple lady and always had a smile smeared on her face. Whenever we visited their home, she used to treat our family very cordially. In course of time, she observed that, almost everyday our lights were on up to 11 pm. One day, she asked my wife, “what we do late in the night and our lights are on upto b 11 pm”. My wife told her, I generally, read late into the night almost everyday. She pondered, why the hell, does Mr. Mishra does not read at all.

After observing the course of this routine for quite some time, she gathered the courage and eventually asked her husband, “Why are you not reading like Dr. Puthal”. At this he chuckled and said, I am surprised that you, being an MA are not able to understand the simple logic. His wife was puzzled even all the more and said; “I do not understand all this. To me, you are lazy and whiling away your precious time”. Mishraji smilingly reassured her, "Oh! Lo how can I convince my darling wife, because Dr Puthal does not know things, therefore, he is reading. But, I know every thing, why shall I read. Mrs. Mishra now having understood the mystery behind the midnight lamp nodded her head and sighed; “Poor Dr. Puthal, I pity him; he is forced to burn the midnight lamp”.

A ministory

Thursday, December 3, 2009

TYPED LETTER ! a ministory

It was an event that occurred fifty years ago. Dama and Sama were reading in class VII of the Middle English school, Baisinga. Sudam sir was their class teacher for Arithmetic and English. He was very strict teacher, who did not hesitate to punished students, even if they talked loudly in the class, Forget about his famous anger in Arithmetic class, Canning for Dama and Sama were a routine feature, because they were unable to solve even the simplest Arithmetic problem. One day, for silly mistakes, Sudam sir, became so angry that he used cane liberally on both of them. The canning resulted in deep reddish stripes on both their backs. They cried themselves hoarse. After the school, they decided to do some thing to overcome their daily predicament; teach a lesson to the teacher, so that, he does not behave so rudely with the students any more.

In the night, an idea struck in the mind of Dama. His uncle, Mahesh was serving as a clerk in the Deputy inspector of School's office, at Baripada, the district head quarters. He told him to send a typed letter, from district Inspector of school, (falsely) to Sudam sir, telling him, he has been transferred, to Tring, a M.E. school which is far away from Baisinga and almost bordering Bihar. Here, Sudam sir, was living with his family in the near by village in his own house, barely one km from the school. Letter was posted and reached Sudam sir, within one week’s time. After reading the letter, Sudam sir, became very unhappy. He had been instructed to join Tiring School in one month's time.

From that day onwards, he became remorseful and did not rebuke the students anymore, leave aside canning. But he was a very good sincere teacher. He had a formidable reputation as mathematics teacher. All observed a marked a change in him. For few days, he became unusually silent. His wife could not bear his brooding and asked the cause of his unhappiness. He hesitatingly told her about his transfer. She also became unhappy, how shall they manage their son's studies.

One day, in the evening he was sitting on a culvert and was shedding tears in silence. Dama and Sama were passing by the culvert and saw Sudam sir, crying alone. When, he saw them, he called them and told, although he was scolding them, it was for their own good. Since he has got his transfer letter, and he will be leaving the school shortly, they should forget about his punishment, as, he has no personal grudge towards them. Both of them felt very bad. In the evening, both the students came to Sudam sir's house and prostrated themselves on Sir's feet and told him how they had created the entire nuisance and that the lette itself was false. Then, teacher showed them the letter and told how can he believe what the two boys were saying, After all it was A TYPED letter! How can it be false?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009