During office hours, when we are out to office, they visited each other's place and had unending talks for hours on end. It looked, there was no substance in their talk, because they often seemed go on talking without listening to each other. Mrs. Mishra is a very simple lady and always had a smile smeared on her face. Whenever we visited their home, she used to treat our family very cordially. In course of time, she observed that, almost everyday our lights were on up to
After observing the course of this routine for quite some time, she gathered the courage and eventually asked her husband, “Why are you not reading like Dr. Puthal”. At this he chuckled and said, I am surprised that you, being an MA are not able to understand the simple logic. His wife was puzzled even all the more and said; “I do not understand all this. To me, you are lazy and whiling away your precious time”. Mishraji smilingly reassured her, "Oh! Lo how can I convince my darling wife, because Dr Puthal does not know things, therefore, he is reading. But, I know every thing, why shall I read. Mrs. Mishra now having understood the mystery behind the
Nice story,We liked with our friens and family.We want more of this type.