SikshaNeti is known to every body in and around the locality. From very school day, she had knack for social leadership. While in school, Siksha was a fun loving sprightly intelligent girl. Leadership was in her blood.Oneday she saw one of her less privileged friend Kangri was weeping in a corner.After being asked ,she told that her mother is unable to give her Rs.100/for Examination fee. After hearing her awes ,she collected money from friends and gave to her. But again ,the next day in school ,she saw Kangri weeping and her face has swollen because of weeping for hours.Again Siksha went to her and asked the reason,and consolead her.Kangri told that,the money she collected and gave her for examination fees,head master refused to take as it was already late.So she went to head master and pleaded for Kangri .But of no use. Head master expressed her inability to accept examination fees. The next day District Inspector of school was to visit their school. During his visit, he was interacting with students ,Siksha collecting her courage ,went to DIS, bowed and pleaded the case of Kangri.DIS praised her for her noble effort for collecting the money for Kangri and helping her in need..DIS called for Head master and gave special instruction to accept Kangri`s examination.From that day onward she is known as SikshaNeti. She served that area selflessly and became member of legislative Assembly. In her last days, She was staying with her only son. She does not believe in gods and goddesses .She feels service to humanity is greatest Puja.
In JanmaStami, her grand child insisted to take her to Krishna Mandir .First she was reluctant to go not only for her knee pain ,but for her conviction. But for her grand son`s happiness she had to agree, because she was loving her grand son too much. As the Krishne Mandir was not far off, both went on foot.SikshNeti is 70 years old,it was becoming difficult, to walk but she did not give vent to it,lest her grand son will feel bad. Gandma and grandson went to temple in slow space. But when they reached the steps of mandir,both became too tired to walk. So both of them halted at the steps and rested for few minutes. By this time another stout and strong boy came and smilingly hold grandma’s hand and guided through 20 steps. At first touch, she had wonderful feeling of peace and joy. When they reached last step, boy pleaded to go. She was very hesitant and unwilling to leave the boy. But, the boy told "mother I have to take care of many, so kindly allow me to go".Lastly, when he was about to leave their company, she asked the boy who are you, and when we will meet again .He told I am He to whom you are going and I will come whenever you call me wholeheartedly.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
SummerHolidaying in Sikim15/5/10 -31/5/10

Gangtok was remaining cloudy and I can not get sight of Kanchandzoga range which I was dying to see.After anxious waiting for 5 days,all of a sudden in one clear morning at 5am,when I peeped through my balcony window I was spell bound to behold the mighty snow capped Kanchandzoga range in its full white glory.
My daughter took the splendid view.Please behold....
My daughter took the splendid view.Please behold....
Friday, May 14, 2010
Telling lies without sin
Yester day,after exhaustive morning walk,I felt very thirsty and on returned home,asked for a glass of orange squash.maid was going for it,when mrs came and forbade her ,rather ordered her to give nimbupani without sugar.I took it but with a pinch of anger on the face.She told,why are you making your wrinkles more prominent ,Dont you know doctor has forbidden u to take any sugary drink.Today when i returned from my walk,withot uttering any word,opened the freeze and gulped half glass of Cola and cooly closed freeze door and burried my face in today's news paper.Mrs came and opened freeze to give me nimbupani which she kept for cooling.But when she saw Cola bottle is half empty,she childed me,have u drunk Cola.I did not answer as if I have not heard.In the evening,when she talked to my daugter at Gangtak,she made a big complaint against me,which is quite natural.My daughter asked me and commanded ,did you take Cola.I didnot say any thing.Then she told again you are telling lies.I said no my darling daughter,I have not told lies.She said, again telling lies.Do you know telling lies is a sin.No,I have not told lies,I simply moved my head left to right twice.How can I incur sin. She laughed and say Ba ba Baba! tumhara jaba nahi.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Gloomy to smiley
When I was a student in Jadavpur engg college,once I was traveling from Bhubaneswar to Calcutta in a two tier 2nd class compartment.In the platform there was quite rush as it is natural with 2nd class compartments. Any way I managed to get a seat,and one of my class mate was also joined me.We together sat side by side .We helped a elderly couple to aligt train and made them seated in our adjacent bench. they were simple village folk,very simple and friendly.The couple were middle aged.I tried to be friendly with them.I found the lady is gloomy and sad.When i tried to speak and wanted to fathom her grief. First I asked the husband,what do you do ? He said he serves as a gardener in a rich man's bungalow for last 20 years in Calcutta.Saheb is a good man,he has allowed him to stay with his wife in his out house.Then why is your wife so remoarse ful. He remained quiet for some time.Then I asked about their children?His misses ,thuogh was not taking part in our discussion,she was listening our talk.So when I asked whow many children you have got and what are they doing.She burst into tears.I was surprised what happened? Did I hurt her feelings?Then her husband said no,it is none of your fault.The fact is that,though we are happy and living a life,we are childless.For that she is so gloomy.Then I asked him ..
What is your name?
Sitakanta Das.
What is your father's name?
Ram chandra Das
what is your grand father's name?
Kesab Chandra Das.
what is your grand-grand father's name name?
Falteringly told K..unja Das
what is your grand- grand-grand father's name name?
what is your grand-grand-grand father's name name?
I donot know.
Then i told ,you donot know beyond three generations,same thing will happen to you also,if you had your children.
So,better do good to your villagers to your capacity,rather they will remember you for long time.Then both agreed to dig a permanent well and a Pacca ghat in their village tank.
Both seemed happy and went to Calcutta.
May God bless them.
What is your name?
Sitakanta Das.
What is your father's name?
Ram chandra Das
what is your grand father's name?
Kesab Chandra Das.
what is your grand-grand father's name name?
Falteringly told K..unja Das
what is your grand- grand-grand father's name name?
what is your grand-grand-grand father's name name?
I donot know.
Then i told ,you donot know beyond three generations,same thing will happen to you also,if you had your children.
So,better do good to your villagers to your capacity,rather they will remember you for long time.Then both agreed to dig a permanent well and a Pacca ghat in their village tank.
Both seemed happy and went to Calcutta.
May God bless them.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
To day is January 26 2010.A day of pride and happiness for every Indian staying in India or abroad.To day I am feeling the spirit of our Rishis in Vedas
All be happy
All be healthy
All be courteous
Not anybody suffer.
But it is a gigantic task.But as a citizen of India ,This much is everybody's right.Every Government and its administration must see it is done.
Many Pension holders are eager to contribute to the Society through their valuable experience and expertise .Though not full time ,but on part time basis.If properly channelized its contribution to nation will be enormous.
SIKIM IS SMALL BUT BEAUTIFUL:This is not a slogan but true.If Gangtok can do ,why not Bhubaneswar.Let Muncipal representatives visit Gangtok and implement their scheme in toto.
All be happy
All be healthy
All be courteous
Not anybody suffer.
But it is a gigantic task.But as a citizen of India ,This much is everybody's right.Every Government and its administration must see it is done.
Many Pension holders are eager to contribute to the Society through their valuable experience and expertise .Though not full time ,but on part time basis.If properly channelized its contribution to nation will be enormous.
SIKIM IS SMALL BUT BEAUTIFUL:This is not a slogan but true.If Gangtok can do ,why not Bhubaneswar.Let Muncipal representatives visit Gangtok and implement their scheme in toto.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Moksha Datta-A ministory
This occurred during British regime in 1942.British created quite large number of states governed by the kings.Kings had to pay yearly dues to British ; then they ruled the state to their whims and wishes.British does not interfere in their day to day activities.A small kingdom was ruled by Pratap sekhar Singh Deo.He was quite religious and,in every evening, Purohit had to come making evening Arti and then reads one Adhyaya(one chapter) from sacred BHAGAVAD PURAN.Raja and his family listens.
One evening ,a strange idea came to his mind.In the evening,when he finished the reading of Puran,he asked Purohit,Maha Muni Shukadev was reading Bhagavat to King Parikshita.Parikshit was cursed by a Rishi who was abused by the king when he went on hunting in the forest.He was to die in a week's time being bitten by the most poisonous serpent ,Takshyak.Purohit said yes Maharaj.Being very perturbed ,he invited Parikshita Muni,and asked ;is there any way to nullify the curse.Muni told no,it has to happen.So,Parikshita was advised to listen to Bhagavad Puran so that,you will be God realised and you achieve Moksha.Raja said ,if ShukaDev could make Raja Parikshita God realised within seven days,then ,you are reading Puran for last 3 months,I donot feel any change in me.So,listen carefully;I am giving one week's time,at the end of week,If I donot become God realised,you will be beheaded.If you become successful ,I shall reward you with a big estate.Now your time starts from today!
From that day Purohit became remorseful.Every night ,when he returns home he gives his wife,what ever he brings from king's palace and both enjoy.but from that day on ward,he was hardly talking with his wife ,always remained quiet and remorseful.Seeing this change,his wife pleaded to tell the truth.Prohit told her every thing reluctantly.After hearing the challenge,she told,I have a solution.Do not get frightened,do what I say and work accordingly without fear.The next evening, King told the Purohit that tomorrow will be last evening,up til now I have not changed a bit,tomorrow ,if you fail,you will be beheaded.Purohit ,with folded hands said,I have a last wish before death.King said granted.So he asked the attendant to bring a long rope.Then he told the servants to tie down the king with the arm chair so that he can not move his legs and hands.Hearing this ,all courtiers shouted,no no !,it can not be done.But ,king had promised,so,Raja consented to be tied down.After this,he asked the king to give him the glass of water lying in front of you on the table.Raja angrily told,how can I take a glass of to you,when my hands and legs are tied.Purohit told that Shuka Muni was a liberated God realised soul and king Prakshita was ardent listener ,because death was imminent.But in our case,neither I am liberated and God realised nor you are an ardent listener.I am reading Bhagavat for my family maintenance you are listening for ritual sake.At this,Raja realised his folly and pardoned the Purohita gave him an acre of land as gift.From that day,Purhohit also realised that woman has brain more fertile than him.
That is the truth.
One evening ,a strange idea came to his mind.In the evening,when he finished the reading of Puran,he asked Purohit,Maha Muni Shukadev was reading Bhagavat to King Parikshita.Parikshit was cursed by a Rishi who was abused by the king when he went on hunting in the forest.He was to die in a week's time being bitten by the most poisonous serpent ,Takshyak.Purohit said yes Maharaj.Being very perturbed ,he invited Parikshita Muni,and asked ;is there any way to nullify the curse.Muni told no,it has to happen.So,Parikshita was advised to listen to Bhagavad Puran so that,you will be God realised and you achieve Moksha.Raja said ,if ShukaDev could make Raja Parikshita God realised within seven days,then ,you are reading Puran for last 3 months,I donot feel any change in me.So,listen carefully;I am giving one week's time,at the end of week,If I donot become God realised,you will be beheaded.If you become successful ,I shall reward you with a big estate.Now your time starts from today!
From that day Purohit became remorseful.Every night ,when he returns home he gives his wife,what ever he brings from king's palace and both enjoy.but from that day on ward,he was hardly talking with his wife ,always remained quiet and remorseful.Seeing this change,his wife pleaded to tell the truth.Prohit told her every thing reluctantly.After hearing the challenge,she told,I have a solution.Do not get frightened,do what I say and work accordingly without fear.The next evening, King told the Purohit that tomorrow will be last evening,up til now I have not changed a bit,tomorrow ,if you fail,you will be beheaded.Purohit ,with folded hands said,I have a last wish before death.King said granted.So he asked the attendant to bring a long rope.Then he told the servants to tie down the king with the arm chair so that he can not move his legs and hands.Hearing this ,all courtiers shouted,no no !,it can not be done.But ,king had promised,so,Raja consented to be tied down.After this,he asked the king to give him the glass of water lying in front of you on the table.Raja angrily told,how can I take a glass of to you,when my hands and legs are tied.Purohit told that Shuka Muni was a liberated God realised soul and king Prakshita was ardent listener ,because death was imminent.But in our case,neither I am liberated and God realised nor you are an ardent listener.I am reading Bhagavat for my family maintenance you are listening for ritual sake.At this,Raja realised his folly and pardoned the Purohita gave him an acre of land as gift.From that day,Purhohit also realised that woman has brain more fertile than him.
That is the truth.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
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