Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Family

My Family my strength, celebrating my birth day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Simpleton Mrs.Mishra a ministory

I joined the R&D Centre of SAIL (RDCIS), Ranchi after serving NIT, Rourkela for nearly 17 years. Before me, Dr. Mishra .from NIT had also joined RDCIS, SAIL. Naturally, we were delighted to see each other and soon became close friends. Fortunately I took up a residence opposite theirs in the South Office Para locality. My wife and Dr. Mishra's wife became bosom friends.

During office hours, when we are out to office, they visited each other's place and had unending talks for hours on end. It looked, there was no substance in their talk, because they often seemed go on talking without listening to each other. Mrs. Mishra is a very simple lady and always had a smile smeared on her face. Whenever we visited their home, she used to treat our family very cordially. In course of time, she observed that, almost everyday our lights were on up to 11 pm. One day, she asked my wife, “what we do late in the night and our lights are on upto b 11 pm”. My wife told her, I generally, read late into the night almost everyday. She pondered, why the hell, does Mr. Mishra does not read at all.

After observing the course of this routine for quite some time, she gathered the courage and eventually asked her husband, “Why are you not reading like Dr. Puthal”. At this he chuckled and said, I am surprised that you, being an MA are not able to understand the simple logic. His wife was puzzled even all the more and said; “I do not understand all this. To me, you are lazy and whiling away your precious time”. Mishraji smilingly reassured her, "Oh! Lo how can I convince my darling wife, because Dr Puthal does not know things, therefore, he is reading. But, I know every thing, why shall I read. Mrs. Mishra now having understood the mystery behind the midnight lamp nodded her head and sighed; “Poor Dr. Puthal, I pity him; he is forced to burn the midnight lamp”.

A ministory

Thursday, December 3, 2009

TYPED LETTER ! a ministory

It was an event that occurred fifty years ago. Dama and Sama were reading in class VII of the Middle English school, Baisinga. Sudam sir was their class teacher for Arithmetic and English. He was very strict teacher, who did not hesitate to punished students, even if they talked loudly in the class, Forget about his famous anger in Arithmetic class, Canning for Dama and Sama were a routine feature, because they were unable to solve even the simplest Arithmetic problem. One day, for silly mistakes, Sudam sir, became so angry that he used cane liberally on both of them. The canning resulted in deep reddish stripes on both their backs. They cried themselves hoarse. After the school, they decided to do some thing to overcome their daily predicament; teach a lesson to the teacher, so that, he does not behave so rudely with the students any more.

In the night, an idea struck in the mind of Dama. His uncle, Mahesh was serving as a clerk in the Deputy inspector of School's office, at Baripada, the district head quarters. He told him to send a typed letter, from district Inspector of school, (falsely) to Sudam sir, telling him, he has been transferred, to Tring, a M.E. school which is far away from Baisinga and almost bordering Bihar. Here, Sudam sir, was living with his family in the near by village in his own house, barely one km from the school. Letter was posted and reached Sudam sir, within one week’s time. After reading the letter, Sudam sir, became very unhappy. He had been instructed to join Tiring School in one month's time.

From that day onwards, he became remorseful and did not rebuke the students anymore, leave aside canning. But he was a very good sincere teacher. He had a formidable reputation as mathematics teacher. All observed a marked a change in him. For few days, he became unusually silent. His wife could not bear his brooding and asked the cause of his unhappiness. He hesitatingly told her about his transfer. She also became unhappy, how shall they manage their son's studies.

One day, in the evening he was sitting on a culvert and was shedding tears in silence. Dama and Sama were passing by the culvert and saw Sudam sir, crying alone. When, he saw them, he called them and told, although he was scolding them, it was for their own good. Since he has got his transfer letter, and he will be leaving the school shortly, they should forget about his punishment, as, he has no personal grudge towards them. Both of them felt very bad. In the evening, both the students came to Sudam sir's house and prostrated themselves on Sir's feet and told him how they had created the entire nuisance and that the lette itself was false. Then, teacher showed them the letter and told how can he believe what the two boys were saying, After all it was A TYPED letter! How can it be false?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009


Gran'son Samy
Daughter Mita

Gran'Son Sonu

Gran'Daughter Shalu

Daughter Inlaw Sanju

Son Sandeep

Friday, November 27, 2009


Benares,the first city of India and holiest of holy place under earth for Indians .Presiding deity is Shiva,known as Baba Biswanath worshipped by millions since ages.OM! Nama Shivay;Sarba Dhukha Dahanaya is the Mantra chanted by every Hindu every day.Besides Biswanath Temple,another famous places are Ghats on the bank of sacred Ganga.There is belief that who will take dip in Ganga,all sins will be washed away and he or she will be liberated and will go to heaven after death.One day Shiva and Parvati were moving around,when Parvati asked Oh! my lord,please tell,in the ghat hundreds are taking dips in Ganga,that means;every body's sins are washed away.Lord Shiva told,we shall see.Let you be a middle aged poor widow and I will be your dead husband.You keep my head on your bosom and cry.When people will go to Ganges ,they will see you crying.When they will ask the reason of crying.Then you tell,just before death,her husband told that,if any pilgrim who has no sins ,if touches my fore head,I shall be alive.Many priests,learned Pundits passed by ,but,no body dare touch his husband's fore head.Lastly a butcher asked her and on learning the cause of her grief,said,it is simple.Let me take dip in holy Ganges,my all sins will be washed away,then I shall touch your dead husband and he will be alive.So he went for bath,prayed to Sun and came back and touched her husband.He bcecame alive and blessed him.When he looked up he saw Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati in full glory.He prostrated and touched their feet and cried profusely.Sviva told Parvati,today,only this man is liberated,because ,he has unflinching faith.OM! Nama Shivay;Sarba Dhukha Dahanaya

Friday, November 13, 2009


Let me explain you the meaning of Jajman.In our side every family has one Purohit(Hindu Priest) .Who takes every trouble to do all religious rites from marriage to funeral.He is held with great respect among all family members.In one such family ,Nakul panda is a Purohit.For Nakul Panda ,Durga and her family members are Jajmans. This family is poor and lives from hand to mouth.The family has three members,widow Durga Rout ,her minor son and daughter.Her husband is dead since two years back.To day is her late husband' Shradh Dibas(death aninversary).Purohit is to come and perform necessary rites.Durga is waiting anxiously for purohit.But Purohit was not to be seen.
Mr.Khirod Tripathy is the chief engineer ,Roads and building in the government and stays in a bunglow in a well developed colony.His father was a Purohit for some familes.Mr.Tripathy is quite religious,and,in every Sunday goes to near by river beyond the Basti(village).He performs Puja to Sun God and visits Shiva temlple,and offers oblations to the deity. Then he returns to his quarter through the Basti.While coming through Basti Lane,he saw Durga is sobing.Mr Tripathy enquired about her problems,Durga raised her head and found ,to a great solace, a Brahin is coming after bath and his sacred thread shining across his bare chest. She told ,today is her husband's Sradha and her Purohit,Nakul panda has not come yet,may be ,he is sick,other wise it never happens.If she does not do the rites ,her husbands' soul will remain starved for whole year.She feels guilty for that.Seeing her plight, Mr.Tripathy took pity and wanted to help her,and told,I am also a Brahmin,and I can do necessary Shrada Karma.Hearing this Durga became very happy and invited MrTripathy to her modest house and requested to do necessary Shardha rites.She dinot know that the Brahmin is so qualified and is the chief engineer.After Pujas over.Durga brought a packet and offered to Brahmin.The packet contained 1KG boiled rice,mung dal 100 grams,one green banana,2 potatoes,two brinjals ,piece of pumpkin and a pinch of salt.Along with the packet,she offered 5 rupees as Dakshina.Smiling,he took them and blessed Durga and her two children.Then proceeded to his Bunglow.
His mother was waiting anxiously when his son will be coming.he enquired why so late.He said I have done a great work, Ma.He narrated the whole story.Mother became happy and ordered his daugter -in law to cook these things in the packet.All ate the same and went to take an afternoon nap.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Qutable Quotes

"(Always chant God's Name inside (AntarVitare Sabubale Bhagaban nku Dakuthibu)"
Bauma My mother
"You may be cheated,but for that ,never try to cheat others."
Arjun Panda ,An elderly person from my village
"Start changing your life in small ways.Enjoy change,work with that change.In due course,You will be able to create a new life with your vision."Anonymous
"We are what we think.With that thought,what men does,that is our world."Budha
" Happiness is when,what you think,what you say,and what you do are in harmony"Mahatma Gandhi
"Because ,Students have faith in idealism,for that I am here.(Chatrader Adarsbader upor Astha ache bali,hi,Ami ekhane acchi"
TrigunaSen ,Rector,JadavPur University
"It is great to write poetry,but,it is still better to integrate one line of poetry in one's own life.
"No body can make you inferior without your consent" Rosevelt
Allways make ur goal little out of reach and jump to reach it.Anonymous

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A mini story:Yajman

Let me first explain the meaning of "Yajman".For every family ,there is a Purohit a chaste Brahmin who doe all Hindu rites like marriage,various pujas and death anniversary rites etc.Purohit calls the family members as Yajman.This continues from generation to generation.Purohit is held at high respect by the Yajmans.

Mr.Khirod Tripathy is a Brahmin,but a qualified civil engineer and serving as Surintendent engineer in the government.He was staying inthe Govt quarter in a colony meant for government employees.Being well qualified,he doesnot do Yajmani.But his ancesters were doing.In every sunday,he does not take bath in bath room,rather goes to near by river and does sun worship and Tarpan.While going to river,he passes through a small village where poor people live.One sunday ,he was returning to his quarter through that Basti after taking bath in the river.He was bare bodied and sacred thread was shining bright on his chest.Whle passing through the village,he saw one widow was crying.He asked her why for you are crying.She said today is the death death aninversary of her husband.Due to un aviodable circumstances,their Purohit,Nakul Panda could not come.If she does not offer Shrada her husband's soul will remain hungry for one year.Therefore she is crying.Mr Tripathy wuthout disclosing his identity said I am also a Brahmin,if you say I can do the Shrad rites.When she saw the sacred thread,she said,if you do,I shall be grateful.So he entered poor woman's house and did the rites uttering Slokas in right manner.When over,she offered him 1/2 kg boiled rice,one brinjal,one green banana,some salt,a piece of pumpkin and 5 rupees.He accepted these with a smiling face.She bowed with great respect and touched his feet.He blessed her.She requested for taking food,which Mr.Tripathy denied apologetically.When he returned to his quarter,his mother asked the cause of delay.He gave those boiled rice and vegetables and Rs.5/to her and told I am happy with this earning .His mother was glad to learn the story and instructed daughter inlaw to cook them and all of us will eat.Because,I am proud that my son has done Yajmani duty as a brahmin.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A mini story Love quotient

My friend,Mr.BasantDas and Mrs.Kumudini Das planned a trip to Delhi by air.Mrs Das is called Kumo by aLL.Kumo tells every body that her husband does not cast a glance on any woman.During their early years of marriage, when Basant Babu was going to fatherinlaw's house he was treated specially,because he was an engineering graduate and at that time, an engineering degree commmanded big respect.So during his visit to fatherinlaw's house many girls related to Kumo were visiting him for his company.There also,Kumoo boasts that her husband never cast a glance to any girl.One day I asked Basant, are you so chaste.He said no my friend,in the first glance,I saw all and I felt no need to look again.
Sorry ,I swayed a bit from my story.Ok,they checked in and with boarding pass,proceeded to the air craft.In the entrance,as usual,two beautiful girls were welcoming with a smile.One of the girl was quite charming and very fair skinned.While excanging smile Mr.Das' eyes locked with her for some seconds.Yes,I forgot to tell,while Mrs.Das is quite proficient in household matters and does not allow Mr.Das to do any thing exceptpt office work.But she was ofwhite and little fatty.Ater that they got seated in their respective seats.Mr.Das offered her window seat and he took asile seat.After some time,before take off, the charming air hostess came to Mr.Das and requested to fasten the seat belt.Though Mr.Das is a regular air traveller,I donot know how he forgot to fasten the belt during take off.However the girl exchanged smile.After some time snacks were served,Mr.Das softly asked her name.She without taking exception told hername,Shreyasi.During 2 hours of flight she came to Mr.Das many times,in one pretext or other, to offer news magazine,extra coffee even without being asked for.After landing,when passengers left the aircraft,as usual,two girls exchanged smile with each passanger.But when Mr.Das'turn came, Sreyashi whispered,thanks,I will remember you for some time.Mr.Das said thanks,Shreyasi,I shall also.



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


I have contemplated to bring out java in two parts:
  1. Part-I Core java naming it as client side programming
  2. Part-II Advanced Java naming it as sever side Programming.

This slide show deals with part-II.Beginners may skip it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Childhood Memory

A mini story:Govinda's Dilemma
Bijoy and Govinda wre reading in class VII in Baisinga Government M.E School.They were bosom friends.They always move together and share each other's tiff in,pens,pencils and books.Little way from school,there was a big garden called Bagicha Bari,owned by Prasana Panda.There are many mango trees,Jamun trees and palm trees in the garden.He used to shout loudly against all tress passers.Students of school were very afraid of him.In a Saturday afternoon ,Bijoy and Govinda planned to creep into BagichaBari and pluck Jamuns which are ripe looking violet reddish.They could not resist temptation.They thought Prasan Panda would be sleeping in his house after miday meal.He stays a little distance from the Bari.So two friends entered the Bari through a second entrane nearer to school. Bijoy being little smarter than Govinda climbed up the Jamun tree and shaked the tree branches and Jamuns poured in.Goviinda collected them most happily in his Gamcha(a towel like).To their bad luck.Prasan panda anticipating students will be coming to Bagicha in secold half ,as school remains closed in second half. From a distance oberved that Jamun tree is swaying violently.In a very loud voice abused who the hell there.To day I will not leave you and take you to Police station.When Bijoy saw him coming angrily towards them,he immediately jumped from tree and told Govinda to runway.So both of then ran away taking as much jamunds they could collect.In the mean time,Gobinda swallwed a jamun totally along with its seed.He asked Bijoy what will happen.Bijoy told,let us run as quickly as possible and we will think about this at night.Prasan panda could not run and returned back heaping all nasty abuses on them.Bijoy slept nicely,but Govind couldnot thinking about the consequence.
In the night he brought his science book read abut germination in biology section. Next morning,they went to school.But Govinda was looking very sad.He asked the teacher how long it will take for a seed to germinate and take a tree shape. Teacher told about seven days.He became very worried if the seed grows into a tree in his stomach and he will die.At night Bijoy enquired about his friend's misery.After lot of hesitation he told him the story and he will die when tree will be big in his stomach.On hearing the funny story, to make situation grave,he said,yes it may happen.On hearing his friend,he became more melancholy started crying loudly.Other friends gathered aroud Govind.Hotted arguements took place among students.Head master passng the corridor asked the students about the commotion.After hearing the story he loudly.and explained to Gobinda not to worry at all,because jamun seed has passed out away through stool.After hearing from head master,he stopped crying.Now both are grown up.still when,they meet,they laughboisterously recalling the event.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

For u

Your remembrances are confidential
Unable to tell public
Still when it flashes in my mind
Unknown joys grips me total!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


A ministory
His Majesty RajaShaeb!! is the way, People address him still today though he has no power nor money at present. He still lives in his dilapidated Palace.Mr B.S.Das is serving as SDO in the same town.Incourse of time, he got acquanted with Raja Saheb and came his qood friend .Occasionally Raja saheb invites him to his palace for drinking and discussing all subjects on earth.
Slowlly ,Mr.Das became his constant companion during morning walk.It was a wintry morning,fog restricting visbility to few yards.With warm clothes on ,both were enjoying wintry morning. Suddenly they saw a person with little cloth on his body, was trembling . Mr Das took no notice of him.He was dressed in wollen suit and walked away,where as ,Raja Sab talked to him and knowing his miseries offered his shawl to him.Now Mr. Das understood what is Kingly heart.

Friday, October 23, 2009



Comes yearly in glorious
Red inkling every body
Singing in air with
Abundance Gay
Like a guest
For few days
Passes to oblivion for ever
Without anguish and sway.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

mornig raga-pillu

Down the lane,we generally miss

Natural Kissing

Bouncing joy

Joy of children dancing in a marriage party ,a sight of joy for every body.Please watch and enjoy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009



Before Stars and Moons
Depart Painting sky reddish hue
Leaving behind foot prints of Death
Singing their victory and triumph

Close by the fire in the wintry night
Warming their frozen bones a bit
Or some where dancing and synchronising
Their body and movements under candle glow

Sudden gunfire flashing AK47
In bizzare cries and moans
All fell silent,they left
Making bizzare shout and noise

Next mornig sunrose over
hills and lakes over tombs and spires
Great is the mid sun encircling Cosmos
rainig scorching rays burning all sins
creating dancing clouds
Again to keep mother earth green

Smokes comes out of thached hurt
And hotel chimneys,hiding all
Agonies and cries.Who are they
And whom they Killed
Hindus Christian or Mussalmans

Friday, February 6, 2009

6th morning

Today 6/2/9Through the mirror of my eye I saw the beautiful morning and over whelmed with the burst of color , sound and inumerable activities.So i request my late riser friends to get up tomrrow and enjoy the mornig .